Umberto - traduction vers français
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Umberto - traduction vers français

King Humbert; Umberto (disambiguation)

n. Umberto, male first name
Umberto Nobile         
Umberto Nobile (1885-1978), Italian engineer and polar researcher
Nobile, family name; Umberto Nobile (1885-1978), Italian engineer and polar researcher



Umberto is a masculine Italian given name. It is the Italian form of Humbert. People with the name include:

  • King Umberto I of Italy (1844–1900)
  • King Umberto II of Italy (1904–1983)
  • Prince Umberto, Count of Salemi (1889–1918)
  • Umberto I, Count of Savoy (980 – 1047 or 1048)
  • Umberto II, Count of Savoy (1065–1103)
  • Umberto III, Count of Savoy (1135–1189)
  • Umberto Bassignani (1878–1944), Italian sculptor
  • Umberto Boccioni (1882–1916), Italian artist and sculptor
  • Umberto Calzolari (1938–2018), Italian baseball player
  • Umberto Colombo (1927–2006), Italian scientist
  • Umberto De Morpurgo (1896–1961), Italian tennis player
  • Umberto Eco (1932–2016), Italian writer
  • Umberto Giordano (1867–1948), Italian composer
  • Umberto Meoli (1920–2002), Italian economic historian
  • Umberto Merlin (1885–1964), Italian lawyer and politician
  • Umberto Nobile (1885–1978), Italian pilot and explorer
  • Umberto Panerai (born 1953), Italian water polo player
  • Umberto Ricci (1879–1946), Italian academic and economist
  • Umberto Tozzi (born 1952), Italian singer and musician
Exemples de prononciation pour Umberto
1. Umberto Eco, the famous writer, says, "postmodernism
Modern Photography in Today's High-Speed Digital World _ Sergei Sarakhanov _ Talks at Google
2. Count Umberto Gnoli, which sounds much more
Genuine Fakes - How Phony Things Teach Us About Real Stuff _ Lydia Pyne _ Talks at Google
Exemples du corpus de texte pour Umberto
1. Quand Umberto Eco «lit» l‘actualité La chronique.
2. Umberto Bracco, Vevey (VD) Vendredi 23 juin 2006 M.
3. Le joueur titré, l‘entraîneur bredouille Le Temps Nom: Umberto Barberis.
4. Quant ŕ Umberto Eco, il signalait les nombreuses interprétations possibles.
5. Mais ŕ la polyclinique Umberto I, le taux d‘infection dépasse les 15% des malades!